Monday, February 20, 2012

It's only the beginning

When taking the civics quiz, you are initially greeted with the average score of Americans, 49%, and that of college educators, 55%.  I was pleasantly surprised when I scored a 78.79%.  Not as high as I would have like to have gotten, but well above the average.  I attribute that score to having an excellent memory and wonderful high school teachers and professors.

I chose to take the quiz instead of doing a politically bio because I'm relatively young, and was incredibly sheltered as a child.  So my ideas and views of our political system doesn't go much farther than the understanding of it, my opinions are not completely formed.  Although growing up in Austin has me leaning towards the liberal side of the spectrum.  I hope that this class will push me to expand my thinking and help me form my own political identity in time for the up coming Presidential election.